IA Summit 12: Crowdsourced Unmoderated Usability Testing
I choose to attend a couple of the 20 minute dual session blocks to see what I thought about the smaller sessions. I have to admin I was impressed with the amount of information people were able to fit in…
IA Summit 12: Collaging
The last presentation I attended on day 1 of the summit was Collaging: Getting Answers to the Questions You Don’t Know to Ask by Kyle Soucy. I very much enjoyed this presentation as this is not a technique I had…
IA Summit 12: Orchestrate Against Atomism
Orchestrate Against Atomism is a presentation that was done by Patrick Quattlebaum. I was intrigued by the title and decided to go when I read from the guide that the talk was about challenges with cross channel experiences. He starts by talking…
IA Summit 12: Rhythm & Flow
The first regular session I enjoyed at the summit this year was Rhythm & Flow by Peter Stahl. It was a very interesting talk that made me think about the rhythm of user interactions from a repetitive nature, and the flow that…

IA Summit 12: Making Sense of the Data
The second and final workshop I attended at the IA Summit this year was Making Sense of the Data by Dana Chisnell. This was a interactive workshop reviewing ways to gather and synthesize customer feedback. This was a 1/2 day workshop…

IA Summit 12: Designing for Cross Channel Experiences
For my first workshop at this years summit, I chose Peter Morville and Samantha Starmer’s Cross Channel Experiences. And for the first time this year, I will be attempting to blog about the highlights of presentations I enjoy using the…
UXLx Videos!
Yay, UX Libson (UXLX) started posting their videos. These are from a UX conference I really wanted to attend, but it just wasn’t in the budget this year. I can’t wait to catch up and start watching what I missed! uxlx.23video.com.
IA Summit 11: Visual Language for Designers
The last summit presentation I attended that really resonated with me was Your Brain On Graphics: Research-inspired Visual Design by Connie Malamed. It instantly took me back to my Human Factors Foundations class at Bentley talking about pre-attentive processing and cognitive…
IA Summit 11: DIY Mobile Usability Testing
The last session I attended on Day 2 was a fantastic session by Belén Barros Pena and Bernard Tyers on “Do it Yourself Mobile Usability Testing“. They walked through the positives, and negatives of mobile usability testing, and then listed…
IA Summit 11: Steps to Successful E-Commerce
For my first afternoon session of the summit on Day 2 I attended the always animated Eric Reiss’s Presentation “Increase The Size Of Your Package In Just Four Weeks: Four Steps To Successful E-Commerce“. Always a fun presenter, Eric went over a lot…