SpeedyMarks Background Color Changer
I’m testing out new functionality on Flickr, that allows me to immediately post Flickr photos to my blog. I thought I would test this out by posting a screen shot of a new website I recently stumbled upon (http://www.stumbleupon.com/).
This site is called SpeedyMarks. It’s a visual bookmarking site that allows you to bookmark a webpage then view retrieve it here visually. I really like the idea, although I don’t think I’ll end up using it unless I can tie it into my existing list in Google bookmarks.
In addition to having a cool idea on ways to handle bookmarks though, I found they also have a great way of handling user preferences with color. A simple drop down list that allows you to choose amongst a predefined set of colors. Each then sets a monochromatic theme based on the chosen hue. It’s simple, easy, doesn’t get in the way, and just works. A perfect example of a delightful, usable feature.
Originally uploaded by cshorechica