Microsoft Silverlight vs. Adobe Flex
After much research I have gathered my opinions on the Silverlight vs. Flex argument. Pro Flex Silverlight doesn’t have a lot of hope when it comes to Microsoft’s history. Microsoft is known for buying up the market once a technology…
“I should have known better…”
People generally blame themselves when the design of a website causes them to error. “I should have known better” or “I didn’t know that because I’m new to the site”. This is an interesting response that seems to go against…
Users: Trust but Verify
Testing and talking to your users is an important part of understanding the usability of your system. However, the information you get cannot necessarily be taken at face value. It’s important verify your understanding of the users feedback.

UX Wheel of Deliverables
I created a graphic the other week to help describe the cycle of deliverables involved in user experience. It is meant to be a high-level overview and was helpful for me as something I can show others that summarizes quickly…
Review of Jared Spool’s Keynote at the IA Summit 08
My boss sent me an article the other day entitled “IA Summit 2008: User-Centered Design is Dead“. I was surprised by the title (which I’m sure was part of the intended shock value of the writer). While I myself did not attend…
Welcome to my Random Thoughts blog.
I will be using this space to organize some of the random thought I have floating in my head about User Experience. It will include questions to the world about controls and interactions, book reviews, conference reviews, opinions and resources on…