The Most Annoying Microwave Ever
The experience of the microwave at my office drives me nuts. I often use it to “nuke” food, add some extra heat to oatmeal or re-heat my coffee. Additionally, I sometimes use it to heat up microwave meals. I like to consider myself a qualified microwave user. I would say I operate a microwave 7-10 times a week for various meals and heat-ups. This use has taken place over many years and with many different makes and models. I would not consider myself a microwave novice.
So why is it then, that I can’t seem to use the microwave pictured below without exploding my oatmeal, boiling my coffee, or charring my microwave meals?
Sure, as you may be able to tell by my reflection, it’s a positioned a bit high. I’m 5’4″ and I would guess this shelf sits at 5′. So that does play a part in my ability to see into the microwave in time to stop the oatmeal from boiling over the cup and all over the turn table.
However, that doesn’t bother me as much as the programming of the buttons.
To illustrate my frustration with the buttons, I will use the edamame I purchased to have with lunch as an example of my frustrations. See the cooking instructions below.
So this needs to cook for 70 seconds. Pretty simple. According to my past microwaving experience I would probably need to do one of two things to operate the microwave for this item:
1. Press “Time Cook” > Convert 70 seconds to 1 Minute 10 seconds in my head > Press the buttons 1 + 1 + 0 > Press start.
2. Convert 70 seconds to 1 Minute 10 seconds in my head > Press the buttons 1 + 1 + 0 > Press start.
What’s the difference, only the Time Cook button. I’m not really sure why they are included in some microwaves, and not in others. I prefer getting straight to the numbers, but I understand that when the button is present, I must press it first.
So looking at the operating panel below, what do you think happens, when I try method #2 above? (there is no “time cook” so I went straight for #2)…
I press the 1 button and immediately the microwave starts, and the time is set to 1:00. Woah! I didn’t expect that. I hit Stop. I tried again, just in case it was a button pressing error, and zoom, it starts right up again at 1:00. I re-review for the Time Cook button, but it is still not there. My next idea is a similar named button like “Cook”, but it is missing too. Finally, I tried to type in 1+1+0 really fast… but this just gave me 1:00 no response from the extra 1 + 0.
So, how the heck do you enter 1:10 ??
I couldn’t figure it out for the life of me. I even asked for help. 3 people, and no one could figure it out. (How many developers does it take to work a microwave? Apparently more then 4.)
So, I did what any hungry person would do, I entered 1, then hit the +30 sec/Start button to get 1:30. Then watched the timer like a hawk until it hit 20 seconds and pressed the open door button. This works, sometimes… however most people who know me know I like to multi-task, and I’m chatty. So typically, I forget I’m watching the microwave, and you guessed it, my food over cooks.
From what I can tell, the designer was so pre-occupied with making the “express” buttons as express as possible, that the idea of entering a custom time was disregarded. I think if it were up to me, I would add a button titled “Express” and require you to click it then the number to start the express timer. The rest of the time, you could just enter a time, and press start.
What’s the lesson. Know your users, know their context, and know their goals.
Sure, I may not be the primary user of this device. There may be a whole mess of people out there that need exactly 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 minute cooking times the majority of the time. But for me at least 15 seconds (my coffee), 1:15 (my bacon), and 4:45 (frozen dinner) are definitely more popular.
P.S. After non-stop button pushing, I finally discovered you must press Power, then the cooking time, then start to get a custom time. Hitting Power multiple times will decrement the power level down from 10.
So, I think it depends on the user…
I actually love the express buttons! Especially only having to press a button once. I have a similar microwave at home and I either use the microwave to warm water for my tea or warm a plate of left overs. To me the right temperature to warm a meal is 1 minute, which makes me only have to press the “1” instead of “Cook, 1, 0, 0, Start”. The same goes for my cup of water for tea for 2 minutes (I just press the number “2”). When I do have to warm something for 1:15 min, only then do I have to press: “Cook, 1, 1, 15, Start”. Maybe there should be a “Preferences” button where you can set the controls to accommodate every user? 🙂
Just wanted to say thanks for this article. Spent 30 mins trying to figure this out and you saved the day. I was concerned because apparently I’m smart enough for college but not smart enough to work a microwave. I was worried for a minute there 🙂
Thank s again!
How do you set the express buttons?????
Thanks Candice for sharing you experience I’m feeling stupid trying to set this and I gave up so thank goodness for internet.
Thank you so much for explaining this– I’ve been dealing with a mostly-crippled microwave for most of a year!
4 programmers and none of you thought to read the manual that is easily found online?
I didn’t even read your entire post and after looking at the control panel, I thought it probably involved the power button. Nothing else there would allow a custom time, well the kitchen timer, but that wont heat up your food.
sorry for the little rant, I was looking up something else, saw this, and wondered what could be so bad. I know this is old, I’m just surprised it was worthy of this long of a blog.
Oh yeah, Diane, one of the cheapest microwaves I dealt with had the option to enable or disable the single touch express buttons.
I have the same microwave. Punch small baby!!! Thank you you saved my life from this hell!
Thank you, thank you. The instructions I have do not resemble what actually works.
Thank you so much ! loll couldnt find the info anywhere else lolll
Yes!!! Thank You! 4months of over cooked food here because I had no idea now to custom set.. The power button should at least be in red or something to indicate it’s a main button instead of blending with the others:) You are very helpful! Family of five couldn’t figure it out😂
And they STILL haven’t fixed this problem 6 years after you posted this. *sigh*
Thank you, it was driving me crazy!
WHY is there not a STANDARD for microwave controls? ATM’s, gas pumps, even cell phones and computers (Linux excluded) seem to all be on the same page. but microwaves? nah. let’s just do our own thing with EVERY MODEL. even within the same brands!
i just went through the same exact frustration at work. trying to re-heat a “CD jewel case” sized portion of lasagna in Tupperware. i wanted 50% for 3 minutes. simple, right? WRONG.
after 5 minutes of arguing with the machine, i came here, to the internet, to this very article. thank you, Lauren Martin. Your frustration and perseverance has not been for naught.
i was able to nuke my frozen/cooked/refrigerated lasagna perfectly. 50% for 3 minutes was spot-on, as i suspected (i am a microwave chef also). took a bite from the center and… perfectly warm.
Thank You!!!!!
Thanks, very helpful
You actually can enter the time manually… I figured it out. Press power, then enter the time. hit start
Thank you anonymous for you Jan 30th post. I have a sunbeam and have been Furious!
I can now melt butter for 10 secs with out having to watch it!
Thank You! I have an old Sunbeam and now I can use it this problem was so annoying. Thank you so much🙂
Thank you! Was trying to figure this out