How does this make you feel?
We are by nature social animals. This is one of the reasons social networking is so huge and has had exponential success. We like to know that others are thinking about us, wondering about us, concerned about our feelings. We…

Visualizing Information: The Netflix Network
Recently I came across the Visual Complexity website thanks to Adaptive Paths signposts for the week ending March 5th. A particular graphic by Christopher Hefele popped out at me called the NetFlix Similarity Map. Having written a paper on the intelligence of…
10 Web Design and Layout Principles Every Designer Should Know
I recently gave a presentation at the South Florida User Experience Meetup on the top 10 web design and layout principles you should know when designing your website. Below is a summary as well as the presentation with some screen…

7 Fantastic Invisible Interactions
What I call invisible interactions are interactions I never really noticed until they went missing. These are the truly usable and seamlessly designed interactions. Features I’ve come to expect without even knowing it. Below is a list of some invisible…